The Celestial Pantheon

Meet the Sun Gods

Embark on a celestial odyssey within the Gravitrek universe, where the Fourteen Sun Gods reign supreme, each representing the raw elemental forces and ancient wisdom of the cosmos. Unlike the Good Luck Cats, these divine beings do not have descendants but stand as the original, singular entities that pioneers can collect copies of. Each god is a unique artifact in the Gravitrek narrative, holding immense power, detailed art, and distinct attributes that shape the universe's fate. Although only copies can be obtained for collecting, they carry the essence and authority of their celestial counterparts, offering pioneers unmatched abilities and guidance. Explore the divine spectrum and integrate their celestial might into your Gravitrek adventures and beyond.

The Fourteen Sun Gods Pantheon

The Hidden Wisdom

Amon: The Guide of Secrets

Within the boundless expanse of the Gravitrek universe, Amon stands as the beacon of hidden wisdom and unseen paths. As the guide of the Good Luck Cats and the keeper of ancient secrets, Amon bestows upon the pioneers the ability to uncover and harness mystic powers, aiding their journey across worlds and dimensions. The presence of Amon in one's collection symbolizes a deep connection to the universe's concealed truths and the unlocking of latent potential.

Amon: The Guide of Secrets

The Harmonic Balance

Hathor: The Guardian of Harmony

In the vast cosmos of the Gravitrek universe, Hathor emerges as the essence of balance and harmony. As the guardian angel for the Good Luck Cats, Hathor instills serenity and equilibrium in their hearts, empowering them to overcome the chaos of their adventures. Hathor's influence brings unity among diverse elements, facilitating a symphony of actions and reactions throughout the various worlds. Holding Hathor in one's collection represents a commitment to peace, understanding, and the seamless blend of opposing forces.

Hathor: The Guardian of Harmony

The Bringer of Change

Set: The Master of Storms

Amidst the swirling galaxies of the Gravitrek universe, Set commands the elements of chaos and transformation. As the master who steers the Good Luck Cats through upheaval and reinvention, Set's tempestuous power forces new beginnings and the destruction of outdated structures. Embracing Set means embracing the storm's eye, where one finds the courage to let go of the past and the strength to forge new paths. In a collector's domain, Set symbolizes the relentless pursuit of evolution and the necessary end for every beginning.

Set: The Master of Storms

The Guardian of Transition

Anubis: The Protector of Souls

Within the shadowed boundaries between worlds in the Gravitrek universe, Anubis stands vigilant, a solemn protector guiding the Good Luck Cats across the veil of life and death. As the custodian of the afterlife's gates, Anubis ensures safe passage for souls, maintaining the cosmic cycle of rebirth and renewal. Anubis's presence in a collection is a token of protection, offering safekeeping to those navigating the mysteries of existence and the enigmatic journey beyond.

Anubis: The Protector of Souls

The Visionary Ruler

Horus: The Sky's Sentinel

Soaring above the planets and stars of the Gravitrek universe, Horus embodies the ultimate overseer, the sentinel of the sky. Bestowing the Good Luck Cats with the gift of vision, Horus empowers them to see beyond the visible, to anticipate the unseen challenges and treasures ahead. The inclusion of Horus in one's arsenal symbolizes the ability to perceive the unperceived, to navigate the vastness of space with clarity and foresight, ensuring mastery over one's destiny.

Horus: The Sky's Sentinel

The Enchantress of Life

Isis: The Matron of Magic

In the mystical expanses of the Gravitrek universe, Isis reigns as the sovereign of sorcery and the nurturing heart of magic. She blesses the Good Luck Cats with her benevolence, enveloping them in spells of protection, healing, and enlightenment. Holding Isis within one's collection signifies a bond with the elemental forces, an alliance with the nurturing aspects of nature, and the wisdom to wield great power with compassion and grace.

Isis: The Matron of Magic

The Creator of Life

Khnum: The Architect of Existence

In the pulsating heart of the Gravitrek universe, Khnum stands as the master sculptor, molding the raw materials of cosmos into life and habitat. This deity's ancient artistry is manifested in the shaping of planets, the crafting of ecosystems, and the breathing of life into the barren voids. Khnum's presence in a collection heralds a time of creation, innovation, and ecological harmony, empowering pioneers to construct their destiny with their own hands and intellect.

Khnum: The Architect of Existence

The Mistress of Transition

Nephthys: The Comforter of Shadows

In the ever-shifting shadows of the Gravitrek universe, Nephthys provides solace and guidance through transitions and endings. Her domain encompasses the quiet spaces between worlds, the silent transformations that precede rebirth. Nephthys's embrace in a collection offers a shield against the fear of the unknown, turning endings into beginnings and darkness into light, guiding the Good Luck Cats and their companions through the cycles of life and beyond.

Nephthys: The Comforter of Shadows

The Sovereign of Renewal

Osiris: The Lord of Rebirth

Amidst the cosmic lifecycle of the Gravitrek universe, Osiris reigns as the emblem of resurrection and renewal. His dominion is the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, ensuring that every end is but a prelude to a new beginning. To hold Osiris in one's collection is to embrace the eternal rhythm of the cosmos, to find resilience in the face of loss, and to discover hope in the heart of despair, guiding the Good Luck Cats towards endless horizons of possibility.

Osiris: The Lord of Rebirth

The Patron of Artisans

Ptah: The Craftsman of Worlds

At the foundation of the Gravitrek universe, Ptah's essence infuses the very stones and stars with potential and purpose. Known as the patron of artisans and craftsmen, Ptah's divine spark ignites the flame of creativity in the hearts of those who build, invent, and explore. Holding Ptah in a collection signals a commitment to ingenuity, the pursuit of excellence in craft, and the reshaping of the world with every touch of imagination and every act of daring creation.

Ptah: The Craftsman of Worlds

The Illuminator of Worlds

Ra: The Sun God

Shining with the brilliance of a thousand suns, Ra illuminates the Gravitrek universe, banishing darkness and nourishing life across galaxies. As the ultimate source of energy, Ra’s radiant presence empowers the Good Luck Cats with vitality and vigor, enabling them to thrive in even the most desolate of worlds. The inclusion of Ra in a collection brings the warmth of hope and the glow of prosperity, lighting the path to success on the cosmic journey.

Ra: The Sun God

The Warrior of Healing

Sekhmet: The Lioness of Retribution

In the tumultuous arenas of the Gravitrek universe, Sekhmet stands as the fierce protector and healer. Embodying the dual essence of a warrior and a medic, she provides the Good Luck Cats with the strength to confront adversaries and the power to mend the wounds of battle. Owning Sekhmet in a collection symbolizes the perfect balance between aggression and compassion, offering the wisdom to know when to fight and the serenity to heal.

Sekhmet: The Lioness of Retribution

The Keeper of Waters

Sobek: The Guardian of the Nile

Amidst the flowing rivers and vast oceans of the Gravitrek universe, Sobek reigns supreme, ensuring the cycle of life continues through the availability of water. As the guardian of this most crucial resource, Sobek endows the Good Luck Cats with the ability to navigate and harness water, sustaining life and facilitating travel. To possess Sobek in a collection is to command the lifeblood of worlds, ensuring prosperity and abundance for all endeavors.

Sobek: The Guardian of the Nile

The Sage of the Cosmos

Thoth: The God of Wisdom

In the vast expanse of the Gravitrek universe, Thoth is the keeper of knowledge and the scribe of the divine. His wisdom guides the Good Luck Cats in deciphering the mysteries of the cosmos and mastering the arts of communication and negotiation. The presence of Thoth in a collection represents the pursuit of understanding, the reverence for truth, and the capacity to wield words as both shield and sword on the cosmic stage.

Thoth: The God of Wisdom